Two Chefs Brewing

Taproom Two Chefs

Dive into the world of Two Chefs Brewing and discover your favorite beers in our FoodBar. From IPAs to sours, wheat beers to stouts, expect a rainbow of flavors and beer styles - all fresh from the brewery!
Twochefs foodbar 94
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Have you tried these yet?

Funky Falcon Mock Up website

Funky Falcon

Pale Ale

Mock up bon chef

Bon Chef

New England ipa

Mock up white mamba

White Mamba


Mock up green bullet

Green Bullet

India pale Ale

Tropical Ralphie Mock Up

Tropical Ralphie

Hoppy weizen

India Pale Ale Special Editions Sour Limited Editions Dark Crazy Collabs India Pale Ale Special Editions Sour Limited Editions Dark Crazy Collabs India Pale Ale

There's more...

Discover more beers

Always something to cheers to

In our FoodBar we’re eager to tickle your taste buds with challenging special edition beers and reliable classics alike! All our beers are mighty fresh, straight from our brewery!

As former chefs, we're constantly playing with new ingredients to create exciting flavor combinations. At our FoodBar you can enjoy yourself while you sample our extensive menu, where we’re also constantly switching things up with new flavors.

At Two Chefs there’s always some fun brewing, and we know how to party, so come on down to the FoodBar and have a drink with us!
Barwerd van der Plas 200723 P1 A0078 1


Cosy bar in Amsterdam Oud-West with ultra fresh craft beer and culinary comfort food

Hugo de Grootplein 7-15
Openingstijden & route
Twochefszuid 53

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