Two Chefs Brewing
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It doesn't get fresher than this! Brewing this beer was a big adventure and a race against time, but we managed to get fresh hops into our brewing tanks within 12 hours. The result is an intense IPA that is all about the hops.


Alcohol %


Cool at

Sinaasappel, Perzik & kruidig


This beer embodies our passion for craftsmanship and fresh ingredients. The fingerprints on this label tell the story of the hands that did everything - from carefully selecting hops by hand in Germany, to loading them into a van, driving straight to our brewery and throwing them into the brew kettles the same evening. Each step was a race against the clock to maintain optimal hop freshness. We normally use dried hops in pellet form, as fresh hops are not available all year round. Thanks to hard work and intense collaboration with German hop farmers, you can now enjoy the unparalleled freshness and bold intensity that only fresh hops can offer. Raise your glass and taste the difference. Cheers!

  • Outline Circlelimited edition means limited stock, gone = really gone
Bon Chef
Fresh Hop lim
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Fresh Hop IPA

India Pale Ale

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This is what you'll get

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